Saturday, December 30, 2006

Curse of the Black Pearl

*** begins rant ***

So I've been back less than 2 weeks and I'm already fed up of some of the people I've had to deal with, i.e. hypersensitive, emotionally unstable people. Because some people just don't understand that while friends may be friends, there's no need for obsession. Yes, you don't carry your friend's photo around in your wallet, or say overly sentimental things (such as "I can't imagine living without you") or do things that make the other person uncomfortable, especially when the other person has indicated he would like a fair share of distance (in an manner that's so damn obvious).

And creating a scene in a restaurant by crying hysterically while I'm not there just to guilt my friends and turn them against me won't work either. Call me heartless, but I wasn't affected when I heard about that at all. I've seen it way too many times and frankly don't give a damn any longer. And I can't care to be lectured any more. I'm not a bad human being. Stop trying to disprove that.

*** ends rant ***